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Beaches Action Group Meeting With Rose Group

Burt Errington

Aug 23, 2022

It is all about the Parks and Shops

Beaches Action Group are people in the Estate that want to get things done.

The Beaches Action Group of Moonee are a small group of people from Beaches who want to get things done within the Estate – specifically the construction of the local shops and land to be made available for a park. Who We Are.

We are not a part of the Progress Association nor the Alliance

We originally approached the Catherine Hill Bay Progress Association for help in achieving some of our aims but we were not made welcome and although some of the members were interested in having Beaches residents to be involved in the PA goals, it was unanimous that we could not become voting members but only Friends of the Association. Eventually we became aware of the futility of expecting any help with progress from the PA.

We were excited to see that other residents were interested in forming a Community Organisation (The Catherine Hill Bay Community Alliance) and our hope was that this group would be a voice, apart from the PA, for people who were for the advancement of the local area, which would include shops and parks.

Our member, Burt Errington, had been trying to sit down with representatives from the Rose Group for 3 years. (Long before the CHB Community Alliance was formed). Eventually a meeting was organised to discuss the shops and park which had been promised to every person who had purchased, off the plan, in Beaches Estate. Burt at the time of this meeting was vice chairperson on the Alliance Committee. At a committee meeting he mentioned in passing the upcoming meeting with Rose. Although it was pointed out at the time that he had been trying to set up this meeting before the Alliance was formed, it was demanded by the Committee that the forthcoming meeting be cancelled – immediately.

For this reason, our Action Group is not affiliated with either the CHB PA or the CHB CA.

Is there a Developement Aplication already approved for the shops and Park

We met with the Rose Group Representative, Mr Craig Walkerdene, at the Sales Office on 16 February 2022. This was just a get to know you meeting as Mr Rose mentioned he had experienced some hostility with previous meetings with members of the PA. However, the matters we discussed at this meeting were the possibilities of a pop-up park near the existing Café, pedestrian access along Hale Street, use of the sales office as a community building and most important a time frame for the shops and permanent park. Craig stated he was interested in our topics and he would relay the points to Mr Rose and see what could be done in achieving acceptable solutions. It was also agreed at this meeting that Burt would be person to liaise between Rose Group and Beaches Estate, as having multiple meetings with different groups would be a waste of time and could cause confusion. This liaison was confirmed with Mr Rose at our second meeting.

In early March 2022 our members canvased some of the houses within the Estate and collected over 130 signatures from residents who agreed for the Action Group to continue to represent them to work for shops and parks with major shareholders being Rose Group, National Parks and Wildlife Services (NPWS) Local MP Yasmin Catley and Lake Macquarie City Council (LMCC). Some residents also brought up other areas of concern such as Solo Water trucks driving around the streets, regular maintenance and cleaning of the water retention areas and general mowing and maintenance of the Estate.

The second meeting took place on 31 March 2022 and along with Craig, Mr Bryan Rose also attended. During this meeting Bryan showed us plans of the proposed retail/commercial space as well as plans for a village park situated between Clarke Street and Flowers Drive near the SLSC. He told us that original plans for a retail space had included many more shops fronting along Montefiore Parkway but the

PA had objected to these plans and so the Development Application was only approved for the smaller space.

To date we have been unable to confirm that there is any DA in place for the shops and park.

This sign has been errected for more than 5 years

It could take 5 to 15 years to build

Our main conversation at this meeting was about the placement of the Village Park which would be out of the Estate and therefore not what the residents wanted. Originally there were to be about 7 parks within the Estate and according to this plan we would now have none. We also talked about why couldn’t more shops be built as per the original plans now that the residents would provide a backing for the development which would be greater than the opposition by the PA. We asked that such plans be made available to the residents so that they could see what was possible and get community consultation about what was being planned. This was agreed by Bryan and a plan for our next meeting was put in place. At that time, it was expected we would meet in about 2 weeks. Bryan thought there was no point in giving out information to the community at this time, as there was nothing concrete to advise. And of course, we were expecting to hear back within a month at the latest.

Although meeting dates were arranged, they did not eventuate until 17 August 2022- 5 months later. During this time we felt that we were being fobbed off and stressed to Craig that the Rose Group was losing credibility with the community and putting off the next meeting was not in their best interest. We also made it quite clear that we expected to have answers to our original items of discussions.

At the lastest meeting Bryan showed us plans for a 5-star Hotel and plans for the Jetty. He then went onto explain that LMCC would not do “spot zoning” for an amended retail/commercial space and a park up near Montefiore Parkway rather than down near the SLSC. In fact, he stated, the Council wanted to amalgamate the updated plans for shops and park into the Master Concept Plan for Catherine Hill Bay as well as the Hotel and Jetty. As we all know the timeline for this Concept plan is anywhere from 5 to 15 years, if it will eventuate at all.

We Want The Shops Now!

We were forthright in telling Bryan that the residents have already waited 5 years for a permanent shop and that they would not happy with further delays. Bryan confirmed that the current zoning was for retail/commercial premises on the corner of Hale Street and Montefiore Parkway and recreational zoning was in place between the work shed and the existing café. It was suggested to Bryan that if it would expedite the building of the shops and park to just go ahead with the existing zoning and then to extend the shops, if and when the Concept Plan becomes a reality. Perhaps by this time the Council would be interested in “spot zoning”. There was also a lot of talk about competition that would be created by a kiosk or café going into the refurbished SLSC, the new Hotel, the proposed pub style Hotel north of Catherine Hill Bay and the shops we are asking for now. Not to mention the mobile coffee, drinks and ice cream vans that frequent area. Again, we pointed out that it could take years for any of these new shops to get off the ground and there is a need for a General Store/Permanent Café and playground here NOW.

Although we felt that Bryan was not happy with this suggestion, he agreed to look into it with his planner and with Council at meetings which were already prearranged in the immediate future. We also stressed to him the need to have the Beaches Estate residents onside and the best way to achieve this would for the shops and park to be built now.

Bryan stated that he would have some concrete news for us in 2 – 4 weeks when we would meet again.

The Action Group Belive we should all have a say

It appears that up to this stage the CHB PA has lobbied the LMCC to block and hinder any further development within Beaches Estate including not only the shops and park but also, according to a new resident, dictating the size and number of trees that are planted in and around the Estate to block their view of our homes. It is a pity they don't do something about the dilapidated building in Clarke Street, opposite the Pub which is an ugly eyesore, before complaining about our beautifully designed homes. We do not believe the PA should have the only voice that Rose Group and LMCC are listening to. The Action Group believes, that all residents in Beaches Estate, should have a voice about the shops and park which were not only promised to us but would also benefit the greater community.

If we work together, we can achieve our goals too!

However, we have also learned that when Rose Group developed a residential Estate in Gwandalan they had allowed for a local park for the prospective residents, the same as here at Beaches. That park was also deleted by modifications to the DA, the same that happened here. The residents at Gwandalan banded together and fought for a park/playground to be established and they won. If we work together, we can achieve our goals too!

We Are Not Incorporated

Beaches Action Group is not an incorporated organization, we are not a business, we are not selling anything. The only benefit we will get from achieving the goals of a park and shops will be the same as every other resident in the area.

We are 130 Strong and Growing

If any other resident would like to add their name to our list of residents who are happy for action to be taken to get things done in the Estate or if anyone is willing to take on the challenge of actually doing something to help fight for these goals please let us know.

Join Here or Register Here if you would like the Beaches Action Group to continue working on your behalf.

#BeachesActionGroup #CatherineHillBay #BeachesEstateMoonee #RoseGroup #ParksandShops


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