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Beaches Retail and Planning Proposal

From Craig Walkerdene, Rose Group

Sep 13, 2022

Village Shops and park

From our previous meeting

The Beaches Action Group had suggested to Bryan Rose, at our last meeting, that a DA be submitted to LMCC for the building of the retails shop at the corner of Hale Street and Montefiore Parkway in order to get the shops and park moving ahead now.

Latest email received

Hi Burt,

Last week Bryan had a meeting with Council last week.

In that meeting it was agreed as follows:

  1. We can lodge a development application for the first stage of the retail on the corner area already approved for retail. We will commence designing the DA for this now.

  2. The children's playground, currently shown at the northern end of the Village Park, will be relocated to be next to the first stage of the retail.

  3. The planning proposal for the resort hotel and additional retail along Montefiore Parkway has been requested by Council. This will be lodged as soon as practicable.

We should aim to have another meeting before December as I expect there will be more information to share with you by then.

Best regards,

Craig Walkerdene Group Marketing Manager

Rose Group

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