Burt Errington
Apr 14, 2023
Shops and Park
As you would be aware during March the PA in conjunction with the CHB Alliance conducted a resident’s survey regarding potential development within Catherine Hill Bay.
 On 1st April 2023 a joint meeting of the PA and Alliance washeld to discuss the results of this survey.
There were only 265 responses to the survey and out ofthese it was apparent that there was a balanced outcome both for and against the development, which was mainly regarding the Rose Group proposed hotel.
Although the PA have stated that along with the Alliance they are supportive of getting shops and parks for the area, they have done nothing to suggest that this statement is factual. In fact, the PA is actively engaged infighting all development. Why put out asurvey to ask people for their opinions and then completely disregard the outcome when it doesn’t suit your purpose?
We have contacted Bryan Rose to ask for him to provide details around the issues of shops, playground, hotel and the new Oceanside development which need to be addressed now so that people can be made aware and have an understanding of what is really happening rather than being fed misinformation by those who have a completely opposite agenda.