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Update on Moonee Beach Access and Emergency Heavy Vehicle Access

Burt Errington

Jan 11, 2023

Meeting with BAG, NPWS and representative from Yasmin Catley MP

Today, 11/01/23 a meeting was held with the NPWS.

Those in attendance were:

Beaches Action Group

Stacy Wilson, New Ranger with NPWS

Jennie Dalziel, from the office of Yasmin Catley MP, (both of whom have attended our previous meetings with NPWS to support the residents and who have been helpful in trying to have the walkway upgraded and other matters sorted.)


1. That the walkway in our opinion was “not fit for purpose” and does not allow a greater proportion of the community to be able to utilise it.

A: Provision has been made to rebuild the structure to be 50% wider (1200mm) for the full length and preparations are being done in Jan for work to start in Feb 2023.  -  We also bought up the matter of passing bays to be included as were promised at our last meeting. An amendment will have to be done.

2. How can priority be given to the emergency access to Moonee Beach from the Beaches Estate instead of having to come in from Frazer Park and down the Moonee track as is presently happening. (the 2 emergency operations that have happened since the beginning of Dec 2022 were highlighted).                

A.  Stacy said that investigations into the actual wet and dry operating conditions so as to better plan out a proper outcome as to how the building of the track should go ahead have been started by NPWS.

3. We were informed that the Lake Macquarie Local Emergency Management Committee was to have a meeting at the end of 2022 re the emergency access, we asked whether this meeting eventuated at all. If so, what was the outcome?                                                                                                                                         

A. Yes it was convened but no outcome (minutes) had been done yet.                                             

*Jennie told us she will follow it up to try and get us an answer.  

*Stacy mentioned that it may take up to 12 months for the planning and other “red tape” to be sorted.  

4. We asked what the “sensitive cultural site” matter was relating to the South Moonee Access Trail.                 

A. A “midden” (ie- shell site) was proclaimed by the Darkinjung Land Council to have existed in the area from the South Moonee Access Trail eastwards to the edge of the beach so no work can be done in this area. 

*Talks are still in progress between NPWS and DLC in regard to this matter.   


Other Matters Discussed Were:


* Talks raised re having an emergency phone and defib unit placed at Moonee Beach (similar to that currently positioned at Frazer Beach).   Stacy will follow up.

 * Weed spraying and better maintenance of track. Stacy will arrange.                    

 * Having QR Codes applied to all NPWS signs for those who cannot read English.  Stacy will look it this.

* Placing seats or structures either side of the top entrance for people to sit and have a rest. Stacy suggested NPWS supply sandstone blocks for people to sit on as they reach the top of the track. (Stacy stated she is interested in beautifying the area).

 * Emergency Beacons


NPWS Rangers will be more on hand to enforce and will fine people who disobey the rules as indicated by their signage. This includes trailbike riders and those who walk their dogs on Moonee Beach.

Permission was granted for us to post a copy of NPWS safety messages on our website.

**Stacy committed to keeping us updated with any new happenings.                                                                           

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