Three Jettys
Although some people think that the Jetty that stands in Catherine Hill Bay was the original Jetty it is not, it is actually the third to be built as the previous Jetties were destroyed.
Jetty1: The first mine in Catherine Hill Bay was opened by the New Wallsend Mining Company. The mine went straight into the cliff face at the area now known as “Little Beach”. Later that year a jetty was constructed directly to the mine opening and going out about 5oo feet into the bay. The first shipment loaded from the jetty was shipped to Sydney on the vessel “Tasmania” on 23rd Dec 1873. The New Wallsend Coal Company ceased trading in April 1877 and the jetty remained standing albeit in a poor condition till the mid 1880s when it was burnt down.
Where jetty 1 stood. Photo taken 2023.
Jetty 2:
The Wallarah Coal Co took over operations in the area in 1888.
The first shipment from the new jetty was reportedly made in early Feb 1890 by the company vessel Woonona.
On the 7th Feb 1890 the Newcastle Morning Herald reported that “the railway is now completed”. The jetty was closed for rail traffic on 20th Dec 1963 with the last load of full coal wagons hauled from the Exchange Sidings to the jetty by Wallarah Collieries engine No27 for loading onto the SS Wallarah.
Jetty2 c1890
Loco No3 “Kathleen” moves a string of empty wagons from the jetty on 4th Aug 1958. (photo by J.K.Winney)
*1. In 1964 a retractable conveyor system was installed over the jetty from the coal bins to load the vessels.
*2. The Jetty was damaged in June 1974 when the storm “Sigma” struck the bay.
Jetty 3: The damaged sections were repaired using prefabricated piled frames which were floated to the site and lifted into position, meanwhile work progressed on fixing decking rail lines to the shore.
Rebuilding after Sigma Storm in 1974
Jetty 3
Unfortunately, the section that joined up with the coal bins was damaged in the 2013 bushfires.
View from the refurbished coal bins overlooking the jetty on Dec 2020
* Printed using records held by and with permission from ELMHS