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Burt Errington

Sep 30, 2024

New Access Bridge to Moonee Beach

What a glorious section of the coast we live on.

The First Formal Walkway to Moonee Beach

About four years ago the Beaches Action Group (BAG) approached the National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) to have a safe formal walkway to Moonee Beach. We were in competition with two other councils for work to be done and we the BAG were successful in obtaining the funds to build the walkway. In communications with the NPWS the BAG suggested that the Western track off Hooey Street would be the best place to build a walkway as it was not steep, and not only could it be used by pedestrians but also if it was upgraded it could also be used by emergency service vehicles. This was an existing fire trail that was badly in need of repair. The NPWS in their wisdom decided to build the Formal Walkway at the Eastern end of Hooey Street where it is located now. Unfortunately, the walkway was not fit for purpose as it did not allow for the passing of two people traveling in opposite directions and had to be reconstructed from 80cm to 120cm wide. It also had over 90 steps for walkers to navigate.
When, at the BAG's invitation, the head of the local NPWS came out to view the finished product of the first attempt (80cm) he conceded that the better option would have been the Western end access. It would have saved them a lot of money and time if they had listened to people in the first place and this is why community consultation is so very important.

Further discussions with NPWS 2023

Further discussions with NPWS to fix up the Northern Moonee Access Track to allow for emergency vehicle access to Moonee Beach but all we got was “no funds are available yet hopefully the funds will be available next year.


Now in July 2024 we have had the emergency track from the Western end of Hooey Street down to near the Northern beach access upgraded which is what the BAG wanted done in the first place as it would enable entry down into the Munmorah State Recreation Area and Moonee Beach by people with all types of mobility.

 Entrance down to the new bridge.

New concrete bridge

Purpose built bridge across creek

Access to multiple locations inside Munmorah State Park

The South Moonee track leads up to tracks which lead out to the cliff top which has great views overlooking Moonee Beach, Flat Island, Cowrie Beach and Ghosties.                                    

Great work - finally - to the NPWS.

How we crossed this section back in 2018 and Dec 2021.

A great job done by Barks Bridge to make a safer crossing of the creek.

We really need to congratulate the builder of Barks Bridge not only for making the crossing of the creek safer but initially, when NPWS told us it would not be possible to a bridge across the creek we showed them Barks Bridge saying, if an average person can do it so should NPWS.

The Beaches Action Group continue

The BAG is continuing in its efforts to make our area safe and accessible for everyone who lives in the Beaches Estate and their visitors, we also suggested to Ranger Stacey (NPWS) that a direct phone line be put in place between the Pink Caves and the Surf Club in the event that if someone got into trouble in this area it would be quicker for a jet ski to be sent to accommodate a rescue while waiting for the Westpac Rescue Helicopter. This phone will now be put in place according to Ranger Stacey.

Please note

The BAG is still endeavoring to have our shops and park come to fruition hopefully with a new Council and new Mayor we can achieve a positive outcome.

Pictures from left to right

1) South Moonee Track (at right) near to clifftop overlooking Flat Island, Moonee, Cowrie and Ghosties beaches.

2): Going back up to the Northern end of the beach and onto the Moonee Track is a clearing overlooking Hales Bluff (at right) - Perrys Gulf (to left of Hales Bluff) - then the rocky outcrop (in center) (*where Wallarah1 was wrecked in 1914) - the jetty and up to the northern end of Catherine Hill Bay Beach.

3): Where the Moonee track meets the Southern boundary of Beaches Oceanview.

4): Section 3B nearly filled in level with the viewing platform.

5): Along the bottom is the proposed alignment for the clifftop walkway to the viewing platform in section 3B - Flowers Rd is going up the hill – the old D Siding was where the house in the cleared area beside Flowers Rd is - the lookout is the clearing at the far right at top of the hill.

6) Blank

     Overall, a great view from the Central Coast all the way up to Newcastle.

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