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Burt Errington

Dec 21, 2022

Information regarding the walkway and emergency access to Moonee Beach from NPWS.

Some time ago the Beaches Action Group had asked for an update on how NPWS was proceeding with making corrections to the walkway from Hooey Street to Moonee Beach and the upgrade to the Fire Trail allowing Emergency Vehicles Access.

This is the response part of their email.

Hi Burt and residents of Beaches CHB,


Sorry for the delayed response of your email to Andrew, I am the new Ranger for Munmorah SCA and thought it appropriate that I respond and touch base with you. 


National Parks have completed upgrade works of the Moonee Beach fire trail, to the extent that is permissible under current environmental approvals. The track has had to be closed in the section that runs onto the beach as this has been identified as a sensitive cultural site.


I have tracked down further information regarding the improvement works for the Moonee Beach walking track and this is scheduled to begin mid-January and completed by early February.  The plan is to retain the current frame work and install thicker and wider grade fiberglass panels in order to increase the width of the walking track / stairs.


There is no update regarding the Hooey Street emergency access, this area will require significant planning and funds in order to prepare environmental approvals, have an engineer look at a design - span a bridge across the wetland area and look at how best to gain access off the road, and this will take some considerable time. At present emergency access is possible now with 4WD via the Moonee Beach fire trail to where it meets the Hooey Street trail. The rest of the way will need to be undertaken on foot at this time.




Stacy Wilson


Central Coast Area

NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service

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