in anyone's best interest to be argumentative'
It is agreed by you the user, that by joining a Beaches Action Group site, whether this website or our Facebook Page, you are pro-development, live in the Beaches Estate or within the Catherine Hill Bay Area and wish for the Beaches Action Group (BAG) to represent you and speak on your behalf regarding future development in the Beaches Estate. Eg Shops and Park.
Effective date January 2019
© Australian Law and NSW Law 2000-2023
Even if the Terms and Conditions are not read, it will be taken as if you had read them and agreed to them.
It is agreed by you the user, that by joining a Beaches Action Group site, whether this website or our Facebook Page, you are pro-development, live in the Beaches Estate or within the Caterine Hill Bay Area and wish for the Beaches Action Group (BAG) to represent you and speak on your behalf regarding future development in the Beaches Estate. Eg Shops and Park.
You also agree it will be assumed that you have read these T&C's and understood them whether you have read them or not.