A new walkway was built recently to enable easier access to Moonee Beach.
When the idea of a safe formal walkway was first presented we were turned down.
However, with a strong rebuttle to the NPWS we were in the runing for funding to build the walkway.
Three towns in NSW were in competition for $180,000 funding to be used for improvements for each area, needless to say we were successfull and our Walkway was built.
Not Exactly what we expected
The walkway was to be a safe formal walkway.
When Nation Parks and Wildlife Services (NPWS) agreed to build the walkway to Moonee Beach, they were asked to have a face to face community meeting to discuss where and how the structure was to be built. However, this did not happen, a letter was sent to NPWS addressing the location of the walkway which was to be at the middle access track and have minimal steps.
NPWS decide that the easiest place to have the walkway was the north track where it is located now. When the track was completed it was not what was expected nor was it safe.
The width of the walkway is 80cm which is no where enough space to pass an oncoming person. The drop height in some places was almost one metre, very dangerous for very youg and the elderly.
It was then decided to take our concerns to our local MP, Yasmin Catley, who agreed that the structure was not adiquate for our needs. Yasmin and our Action Group wrote a letter to the NPWS addressing our concerns and requested a face to face consultation.
The Walkway complied to NPWS regulations
At first we listend to how the walkway complied to all the requirements and regulations according to NPWS standards.
Thankfully for a groupe of tourists who made their way down the walway, which made the officials from NPWS jump off the walkway as their was no room for passing and speaking with local users suddenly found that their regulation walkway was not fit for purpose.
By the time we had reached the bottom of the walkway NPWS had conceeded that there was a need for improvement. Also the middle track would have been a better option.
The Latest Response
NPWS has agreed to widen the walkway and put in passing bays along the way, also to have the middle track to be used for emergency services. The work to be done will hopefully take place next financial year 2023 with the expectation of further funding.