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Catherine Hill bay Jetty

Our Budding Photographers
Heritage Bushwalkers

Welcome to our Budding Photographers and Heritage Bushwalkers Page where the participants can show off their photos of the surrounding area. 

Burt is an avid trail walker around the place and has found some excellent bush tracks leading to many historical and interesting sites. 

Once a month or once a fortnight a destination will be selected and anyone who wants to join Burt on an adventure can meet up with him. Also the treks may provide you with great photo opportunities.

Likewise Lindsay will be out and about taking photo's once a month and anyone wishing to join in is very welcome and there will be opportunities to take pictures of Jettys, Bridges, Plants, Animals, Pets, Clouds or even the Milky Way. 

No previous experience is necessary.  All one needs is a camera (tripod optional) or even a mobile phone, and the desire to take photos with other like-minded people. Hopefully the more experienced will help the novices.


The dates and destinations will be posted on our Facebook Page (Beaches Action Group).


Minimum age requirement is for 16 years and older, however, younger children can come if supervised by a parent or responsible adult.


If you have already Joined Budding Photographers there is no need to fill out the form again

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Once you have submitted your Questions Successfully you can then go to add your photos.

Please note file sizes will be limited to under 1 megabite.

There is a FREE program that you can easily download called Visualizer Photo Resize
It is easy to use and reduces the photo size ready for the internet it does not reduce the quality.

Click Here to get Visualizer Photo Resize

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